Saturday, 11 October 2008

Graffiti artists are being offered the chance to transform a subway into a work of art.
The subway which connects Old Marston to the Marston estate — running under Marston Ferry Road — has long been a target for vandalism and graffiti.
Old Marston Parish Council says it hopes to work with young people in the community — including those who might have previously vandalised it — on an art project in the subway.
Parish councillor Duncan Hatfield wants to channel young people's talents away from the sort of antisocial graffiti that can be seen in the subway at the moment.
He said: "What we want to see is more young people in the area taking more ownership and pride in their community and helping to make it look good.
"We would like to track down the graffiti artists that have vandalised the subway and see if they would like to take on the project and work constructively with them."
The parish councillor said one idea might see artwork in the subway changing on a regular basis with the council monitoring the designs.
Mr Hatfield said he hoped by engaging with young people in the community, it would prevent further vandalism as they would want to protect something they had worked on.
He said: "This would also provide a much needed project for young people in the Marston area. This area is not as lucky as Blackbird Leys and Barton when it comes to resources. We tend to miss out. "
People living in Marston have backed the plan.
Sheila Jackson, 42, of Arlington Drive, said: "Teenagers have got nothing to do round here and get into mischief "I think it would be good for them to have something like this. The kids obviously like doing this sort of thing, so why not let them do it in a way that benefits the community?"
Nicole Thompson, 24, of Oxford Road, who also uses the subway regularly, said: "If young people are working on it, then they won't mess it up or want to see their mates messing it up."

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